
Thibaud Delagnes

Thibaud Delagnes - France - Showjumping Rider / Video of Socrates vd wellington ridden by Thibaud Delagnes. Horses competed by Thibaud Delagnes include KEPN mare Tennessee (Manhattan x Equador)

Thibaud Delagnes

Thibaud Delagnes

Chuan Li

Chuan Li - China

Keilly Blevins

Keilly Blevins - UK

Pedro Castro Monteiro

Pedro Castro Monteiro - Portugal

Colin Ferreira

Colin Ferreira is a showjumping rider from South Africa, horses competed by Colin Ferreira include Phoenix 2, Brandenburg Rain Man and Valeva

Gurvinder Singh Gill

Gurvinder Singh Gill is an Indian event rider born 30th July 1967

Trapp O`Neal

Trapp O`Neal - USA - Showjumping RiderTrapp O`Neal

Jean Pierre Delfosse

Jean Pierre Delfosse - France - Endurance Rider

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Sabrina Hili

Sabrina Hili - France - Endurance Rider / Horses competed by Sabrina Hili include Kephir De Barthas, with who Sabrina represented France at the world championships